The unique challenge with traumatic events on the family-building journey (my shorthand for Trying To Conceive, are pregnant , healing postpartum or parenting your child[ren]) is that there are 2 layers to the trauma. 1 is the real/perceived danger to yourself and 2nd is the real/perceived danger to your child.
Traumatic events include loss of embryos when you're doing IVF to pregnancy complications to neonatal loss and anything in between.
The triggers are often internal, body sensations that
we can't ignore or avoid.
Everyday experiences like going to the bathroom. Having a period.
Experiencing gas or cramps can all retrigger your unreleased trauma.
Very few (if any) other traumatic events have such strong, internal triggers. No wonder getting and being pregnant after a traumatic event on the family-building journey is so terrifying. It's not in your head. You are not being overdramatic, overly negative or crazy.
Releasing trauma is a huge piece of the work I do with my Trying to conceive & high risk pregnancy clients because it's more than feeling safe in your body. It's about resetting your body's main control system, which can affect your reproductive & pregnancy health.
Research has shown that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in women increases risk of pregnancy complications such as preterm contractions, miscarriage & preterm delivery , etc.
For as many women who are diagnosed correctly with PTSD, we have far more who are living with unresolved trauma that don't qualify for or have the diagnosis. And how many are getting the proper support?
Are we surprised we can't bring the preterm birth rate down?
NONE of this is your fault.
And if getting or being pregnant feels scary, you're not crazy & it's not in your head.
Please know that you can retrain your body to release the trauma.
We address this + so much more in the Path to Baby program.
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