Have you ever felt SO overwhelmed, exhausted and burned out by all of the challenges you're facing that you end up on the floor of your bathroom just sobbing?
Ever told your friends and family that you're "fine" when you're totally not?
Ever feel really resentful of other women, couples and families who have it so easy? They get pregnant easily, they have easy pregnancies, they have healthy, full term kids with no long term problems?
I know I have and so has this week's guest who shares an incredibly powerful story of a surprise NICU stay, being shocked to be thrown into the world of special-needs parenting, and having to navigate pediatric cancer on top of all of that.
There is no fluff, no platititudes and no Hallmark advice. This is a real, raw conversation about what happens when you start to feel like a human punching back to life's blows.
Episode highlights...
How a homebirth turned into an 11 week NICU stay and then a life-long journey of parenting a special-needs kid
The grief, guilt, anger and resentment she felt because life took so many turns that she never asked for
What inspired her to finally stop telling her friends and family she was "fine" when she clearly was not
Just as she was getting on her two feet, the huge blow to her family to find out her son developed leukemia
How she coped with this medical crisis on top of everything else (Hint: It involved the kitchen floor)
What helped pull her out of the darkness finally
It's ok to not be ok. It's ok to allow yourself to have a village to help you find your light.
Resources from the show...
Visit Abbi Peret's website at Successful Freelance Mom
The Biggest Lie Women Tell Themselves (Listen Now)
The Other Mask of Grief: Resentment (Read Now)
Free webinar to help you overcome fear & anxiety and stay pregnant as long as possible (Register now)
Research, tips and advice on how to effectively manage stress during a high-risk pregnancy (Get Pregnancy Brain now)
It all changed when my mental health mattered more than making other people uncomfortable (Tweet that!)
Joy is a choice. Choose it on a daily basis. (Tweet that!)
About the Guest
Abbi Perets is passionate about showing moms how to have it all. At SuccessfulFreelanceMom.com, Abbi teaches mothers how to break into freelance writing and land high-paying jobs while they’re at home with kids. As a mom to five kids, including one with special needs who also beat cancer, Abbi knows the unique challenges moms face every day, and she works to empower them to pursue their dreams and live a life they love.
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