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018: The Truth About Fertility Specialists, Who Needs to See One and When With Dr. Daniel Potter

Though one in 8 couples experience fertility challenges, there's still an air of mysticism about fertility treatment. Many couples don't know what to expect and the thought of invasive treatments can seem scary, so couples often put off seeing a specialist to help them conceive.

That means more time and energy wasted and continued heartache about why you're not able to get pregnant as fast as you thought you would.

On this episode I speak with world renowned reproductive endocrinologist Dr. Daniel Potter what how a fertility specialist can help you get pregnant.


Episode highlights...

  • What is a reproductive endocrinologist and how do they differ from an OB?

  • When to move on from an OB/GYN to see a reproductive endocrinologist

  • How many Clomid cycles a couple should do before moving on to other options

  • A review of the many different types of fertility treatment which couples are best candidates for each

  • The fertility testing women in their 20s need to be doing and why

  • The ins and outs of egg freezing, what to expect and who are good candidates

  • What nutritional, vitamin and mineral supplements men and women should take when trying to conceive

  • The biggest myth most couples believe about fertility that Dr. Potter encounters most frequently

  • His top 3 suggestions on how to improve fertility naturally

If you are having trouble getting pregnant, seek the advice of a fertility specialist. Take the time and effort to get all the information so you can make the decisions you need to build your family as quickly as possible.

Resources from the show...


It's not a matter of if it will happen. It's a matter of when and how. (Tweet that!)

About the Guest

Dr. Potter has long been a strong advocate for reproductive freedom and equality including compensated egg donation, compensated surrogacy, single parenting and same-sex parenting. Dr. Potter serves as the Medical Director of HRC Fertility, the largest fertility practice in the western United States, as well as the Laboratory Director for Natera, Inc., a genetics testing company. Dr. Potter is the author or co-author of dozens of peer-reviewed scientific articles and serves as chairman of the Medical Advisory Board for the American Fertility Association.

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