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007: Truths and Myths about Fertility and Pregnancy

Between your mom's advice, anecdotes from friends information Dr. Google shares and the tips you get from your doctor, there is so much information about how to get pregnant or have a healthy pregnancy.

On this episode, I break down some of the 10 most commonly held beliefs about fertility and pregnancy and we play a game of fact or fiction!


Episode highlights...

  • There is too much contradictory "Expert" information out there relating to pregnancy. Do you really know the difference between facts and fiction in your pregnancy?

  • Fact or Fiction: Eating spicy food help you go into labor

  • How do you really induce labor when you pre or post term?

  • Fact or Fiction: Lifting your legs 20 minutes after intercourse will increase the likelihood of conception. (The answer might surprise you!)

  • Plus, healthy and practical ways to promote your chances of conceiving

  • Fact or Fiction: Changing cat liter can be harmful when you are pregnant

  • What's the reality? Do you really need to keep away from kitty?

  • Fact or Fiction: Eating sushi puts you and/or your baby at risk

  • Do you really need to give up this guilty pleasure?

  • Plus how to make informed decisions about your pregnancy and how vital it is to know your doctors reasoning for any recommendations

  • Fact or Fiction: A full moon can increase the likelihood of going into labor

  • What does research really say?

  • Are there ways that women can regulate their cycles and if so, what are they?

  • Fact or Fiction: You should stay out of hot tubs when you are pregnant

  • Is that true? What are the consequences?

  • Fact or Fiction: You can not get pregnant when you are breastfeeding.

  • Ways to inhibit or delay ovulation and what contraceptive options are out there

You need valid and correct information so you can make healthy choices for you and your baby. Stay informed and be empowered stop second guessing your own intuition.

Resources from the show...

  • What happened the last 15 days of my pregnancy (Listen here)

  • What the research says on stress and pregnancy (Read here)

  • Deeply personalized support to help you have a healthy high-risk pregnancy (Learn more)

  • Get your copy of Pregnancy Brain: A Mind-Body Approach to Stress Management During a High-Risk Pregnancy (Read Now)

  • Connect on with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram


Ready to bust the Top 10 Pregnancy and Fertility Myths? (Tweet that!)

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