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137: The Power of You - The Final Episode
With the technology boom, patients and clients now have access to the same information as medical professionals. As beneficial as...

136: What Women Need to Know About Pregnancy Anxiety
Statistics show that approximately 6% of women experience anxiety during pregnancy, but I suspect that the percentage is actually much...

135: Parenting After Loss: How to Honor Your Grief While Caring For Your Living Children
Parenting after loss is a topic that comes up frequently in the Delivering Miracles community. People ask what they should do and how...

134: Why Nervous System Regulation is Essential for Optimal Prenatal & Postpartum Health
I’m asked frequently why I like to focus on bodywork and nervous system regulation. The simple answer is that I want to know (and I want...

133: This is Trauma Live Event
The topic of trauma has hit home for me and our DM community. Stress, anxiety, and maternal mental health issues all have their roots in...

132: The Biggest Problem of Prenatal & Postpartum Care
This is the episode I didn’t want to do. I tried to avoid it, but I can’t. My feelings are prompted by what I’ve seen on social media...

Triggers That Activate the Stress Response During Pregnancy
I talk a lot on my podcast, on this blog, in Pregnancy Brain , on social media...and really everywhere I can..about how stress is NOT a...

113: The Health Benefits of Control
The worst advice anyone can give a woman (or couple) going through infertility, fertility treatment or a high-risk pregnancy is, "You...

051: Overcoming Stress and Anxiety So You Can Have a Healthy Pregnancy
Feeling stressed during your pregnancy, especially if you are high-risk, is not your fault. Who wouldn't feel stressed when they have...

049: The Benefits of Alternative Therapies to Help You with Infertility and a High-Risk Pregnancy
Western medicine has its limitations and when you go through infertility and/or a high-risk pregnancy you know exactly how little science...

007: Truths and Myths about Fertility and Pregnancy
Between your mom's advice, anecdotes from friends information Dr. Google shares and the tips you get from your doctor, there is so much...

006: Braving Bed Rest with Angela Davids
In this episode of Delivering Miracles, I talk with Angela Davids, founder of Keep ‘Em Cookin’ - an educational organization that gives...

Pregnant after Loss? What Every Couple Needs to Know
Last week I was scrolling to social media and I squealed when I saw the headline pop up, “Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner Announce Pregnancy...

Just Relax and You'll Get Pregnant - Myth or Good Advice?
If you're struggling to get pregnant, you're likely hearing from well-meaning loved ones to "just relax". The advice also comes with an...

What Research Says About Stress During Pregnancy
"I'm so sure stress was the reason I miscarried." "I delivered at 22 weeks and my doctor said stress had nothing to do it with it. I...

The Surprising Truth About Preeclampsia
Thanks to shows like Downton Abbey and Grey’s Anatomy, serious prenatal complications like preeclampsia are finally getting the attention...
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