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014: Birth Stories
In this episode of Delivering Miracles, Parijat Deshpande and friends Haley Gray and Sundae Bean share their stories — a premature birth...
013: Coping with the Loss of a Child With Dr. Tara May
Losing a child, no matter how far along in the pregnancy you were or how old the child was, is one of the hardest experiences a parent...
012: Preparing for Prematurity
If you are at risk for delivering early you need to be prepared. 1 in 10 babies are born prematurely and the medical risks are extremely...
011: How To Get Your Partner Involved During Your Pregnancy
In this episode of Delivering Miracles, high-risk pregnancy expert, clinically trained therapist, and former high-risk mom, Parijat...
010: The Impact of Political Stress on Pregnancy
Regardless of political views, we are living in a crazy time in our world. The political climate can take a toll on your health even when...
Why Managing Your Anxiety During a High-Risk Pregnancy Isn't Working (and what to do instead)
Imagine you’re afraid of flying. Your anxiety has been creeping up as you approached the day of your flight. The smell of the cabin as...
008: The Truth About the Postpartum Period After a High-Risk Pregnancy & Preterm Delivery
The moment you've been waiting for and fighting for is finally here! Your baby is home. But you still find yourself feeling anxious that...
007: Truths and Myths about Fertility and Pregnancy
Between your mom's advice, anecdotes from friends information Dr. Google shares and the tips you get from your doctor, there is so much...
On Bed Rest? What You and Your Loved Ones Need to Know
Have you ever had a moment where you met someone and from the first moment you talked everything just clicked? You got along so well, you...
What to Do When You Wonder "Why Me?" During Your High-Risk Pregnancy
At some point during a high-risk pregnancy, women ask themselves this question. "Why me?" That question can com in many forms: What did I...
For Dads: How You Can Support Your Wife on Bed Rest
You know what I love more than anything? Chatting with friends who get it. Friends who understand that having a high-risk pregnancy is...
Why Psychotherapy Will Not Help You During a High-Risk Pregnancy
It was a hot afternoon in July. I had been on bed rest for 4 weeks, only going outside for my weekly doctor’s appointments. I had no idea...
How to Get the Best Prenatal Care During Your High-Risk Pregnancy
How did you find your OB or MFM? Most women fall into one of three camps: 1) You asked your friends who love their OBs for...
Going Through a High-Risk Pregnancy? Forget Self-Care
“I want to punch the next person who tells me to take care of myself.” That is a direct quote taken from a woman I worked with a few...
Pregnant After Infertility: How to Embrace This Brand New Chapter
“Congratulations, you’re pregnant!” If you’ve struggled with infertility, you know how elusive these words are. But you're here and you...
Coping with Resentment on Bed Rest
It's that moment when you want to roll your eyes at a woman who's complaining about how big she feels in her third trimester when you're...
The Promise I Made My Son Before He Was Born
I remember lying in the lumpy hospital bed. I had 2 monitors on my belly that hadn’t moved in more than a week and a half. My arms were...
Top 3 Mistakes That Women with High-Risk Pregnancies Make (and how to avoid them)
There are 3 mistakes that women with high-risk pregnancies tend to make. These mistakes could be costing you time, money and preventing...
When You Say You're Ok But You're Really Not
One of the things I hear most frequently from women who have a high-risk pregnancy is, “I’m stressed but I’m ok.” Or “I’m feeling anxious...
For Dads-To-Be: Four things wife needs from you when she’s on bed rest that she’s not asking for
Whether this is your wife’s first pregnancy or her 5th, bed rest is not what you had in mind when you thought about preparing for a new...
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