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Stress Management
REMEMBERING // I don't teach stress management for women to "feel calmer". Yes that's a wonderful side effect, but it goes so much deeper...

137: The Power of You - The Final Episode
With the technology boom, patients and clients now have access to the same information as medical professionals. As beneficial as...

136: What Women Need to Know About Pregnancy Anxiety
Statistics show that approximately 6% of women experience anxiety during pregnancy, but I suspect that the percentage is actually much...

135: Parenting After Loss: How to Honor Your Grief While Caring For Your Living Children
Parenting after loss is a topic that comes up frequently in the Delivering Miracles community. People ask what they should do and how...

134: Why Nervous System Regulation is Essential for Optimal Prenatal & Postpartum Health
I’m asked frequently why I like to focus on bodywork and nervous system regulation. The simple answer is that I want to know (and I want...

133: This is Trauma Live Event
The topic of trauma has hit home for me and our DM community. Stress, anxiety, and maternal mental health issues all have their roots in...

132: The Biggest Problem of Prenatal & Postpartum Care
This is the episode I didn’t want to do. I tried to avoid it, but I can’t. My feelings are prompted by what I’ve seen on social media...

This is Trauma: Micromanaging & Difficulty Trusting Others to Do What You Could Do
Being on top of your healthcare is tremendously important. I work with my private clients closely on how to prepare for appointments,...

124: 5 Myths About Fertility, Pregnancy or Trauma Healing
I’ve talked to many women from many backgrounds with many complications. These women are all tied together by experiencing trauma on...

This is Trauma: When You Feel Down and Like You Live in a Fog
This is a surprising one for a lot of people. Most of the time, when we think of trauma, we think hyperarousal, overwhelm, amped-upness....

This is Trauma: When Mourning Your Loss(es) Brings No Relief
Let's start with this truth: we tend to overpathologize grief. Our culture, our community and health professionals, we all do it. We want...

This is Trauma: Feeling Broken and Ashamed of Your Body on the Family-Building Journey
Almost every client I work with comes to me with this underlying feeling of brokenness. Whether they have experienced (or are currently...

This Is Trauma: When You Need to Stay Busy & Slowing Down Feels Impossible
I once worked with a client after her micropreemie came home from the NICU. Her OBGYN referred her to me thinking she had postpartum...

This Is Trauma: When Joy Feels Scary
One of the hardest lessons I learned after a long road of infertility, loss , high-risk pregnancy, preterm delivery and months in the...

How Much Do You Change After Infertility, Loss, High-Risk Pregnancy and Birth Trauma?
After having gone through infertility, a life-threatening loss, a very high-risk pregnancy, an extremely preterm delivery & months in the...

Maternal Mental Health Is More About Trauma Than Depression or Anxiety
Yesterday I saw a post by my friend and colleague that resonated so much, I knew I had to say something. We are getting maternal mental...

Trying to Conceive After a High-Risk Pregnancy
For some, experiencing pregnancy complications can be a traumatic event - even if you deliver a healthy, full-term baby. For others, a...

When Getting Pregnant Again Feels Scary
Biologically, we are wired to protect our children, and as many fertility patients can understand, that protectiveness can begin even in...

Why Trauma Release is Essential for a Healthy Pregnancy
Whether you are officially diagnosed with PTSD or not, a traumatic experience affects all of us on a physical level. Without adequate...

When Fertility, Pregnancy or Birth Trauma is Misidentified
There is a very different relationship and bond between a woman and the baby she's carrying or a parent and the child they're caring for...
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