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Calming Down is Not the Same as Regulating
Calming down is not taking your fight with your partner into your meeting at work. Calming down is doing what you need to not yell at...

When Your Health Feels Like a Bingo Game
Ever feel like your health feels like a bingo card? You just keep racking up more diagnoses, more problems. Just as quickly, you're...

When Trauma Affects Hormones
I had been working with her for a few weeks, long enough to be able to hear her voice when I read her emails. "I've literally never in my...

Why Making Decisions About Trying to Conceive After Loss or Trauma is So Hard
I recorded a podcast interview recently (episode to be published) where I shared with the host why I like to talk about trauma &...

This is Trauma: When You Feel Like You Don't Deserve
Do you believe you deserve to heal from fertility/pregnancy/birth trauma? The answer may seem really simple and obvious. You might...

When You Heal from Pregnancy or Birth Trauma, Your Children Benefit
Did you know healing is contagious? It's physiologically impossible to keep the benefits of trauma healing to yourself! Here's what I...

This is Trauma: Feeling Slow, Hopeless and Down
We often associate alarms, sirens & activation of the body to run or fight as a trauma response, but there is another that is less...

How Do You Know You've Healed from Fertility, Pregnancy & Birth Trauma?
This is the most common question when it comes to healing from fertility, pregnancy and birth trauma. When will it be over? When will I...

This is Trauma: When Anxiety Continues Despite Treatment
This post is one that is near and dear to my heart because of how often I see this play out with women in my personal and professional...

This is Trauma: Avoiding What Remind You of Infertility, Your High-Risk Pregnancy or Delivery
There's a misconception about trauma healing that when you heal from fertility-, pregnancy- or birth trauma, you will go back to all the...

This is Trauma: When You Feel Angry and Yell
When we provoke an animal and corner it until it cannot move, what do we expect it will do? It will attack, right? And we think, "Well of...

131: Comparing and Justifying Prevent Healing
Do you feel that you deserve to heal and feel better on your fertility journey? Do you feel like you deserve to be a mother and...

128: Healing After Pregnancy & Infant Loss
There are many nuances to grief. The loss of a child is extremely painful grief, but you have to trust that your body knows how to heal...

125: The Truth About Fertility Trauma When You're Trying to Conceive
Fertility trauma is happening all around us. It’s a huge part of the journey when you’re trying to conceive. Today’s show discusses why...

This is Trauma: Micromanaging & Difficulty Trusting Others to Do What You Could Do
Being on top of your healthcare is tremendously important. I work with my private clients closely on how to prepare for appointments,...

124: 5 Myths About Fertility, Pregnancy or Trauma Healing
I’ve talked to many women from many backgrounds with many complications. These women are all tied together by experiencing trauma on...

This is Trauma: When You Feel Down and Like You Live in a Fog
This is a surprising one for a lot of people. Most of the time, when we think of trauma, we think hyperarousal, overwhelm, amped-upness....

This is Trauma: When Mourning Your Loss(es) Brings No Relief
Let's start with this truth: we tend to overpathologize grief. Our culture, our community and health professionals, we all do it. We want...

This is Trauma: Feeling Broken and Ashamed of Your Body on the Family-Building Journey
Almost every client I work with comes to me with this underlying feeling of brokenness. Whether they have experienced (or are currently...

This Is Trauma - When You Feel Indecisive
Two days after my son was born, my husband was making lunch before our NICU visit. He asked me what I wanted. "I don't know." He gave me...
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