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Protecting Your Pregnancy After Loss or Preterm Birth
"I refuse to go through another rollercoaster in my next pregnancy," I heard her say on the phone as she sniffed back tears. "I refuse to...

Why Making Decisions About Trying to Conceive After Loss or Trauma is So Hard
I recorded a podcast interview recently (episode to be published) where I shared with the host why I like to talk about trauma &...

Why No One Gets Over a Pregnancy Loss or Infant Loss
“I don’t think anyone can get over that loss.” I read that the other day & it got me thinking. Where does this idea of “getting over” a...

The Power Of Silence
For many, being part of conversations about infertility, loss and miscarriage , high risk pregnancy, preterm delivery, life in the NICU,...

128: Healing After Pregnancy & Infant Loss
There are many nuances to grief. The loss of a child is extremely painful grief, but you have to trust that your body knows how to heal...

This is Trauma: When Mourning Your Loss(es) Brings No Relief
Let's start with this truth: we tend to overpathologize grief. Our culture, our community and health professionals, we all do it. We want...

This is Trauma: Feeling Broken and Ashamed of Your Body on the Family-Building Journey
Almost every client I work with comes to me with this underlying feeling of brokenness. Whether they have experienced (or are currently...

How Much Do You Change After Infertility, Loss, High-Risk Pregnancy and Birth Trauma?
After having gone through infertility, a life-threatening loss, a very high-risk pregnancy, an extremely preterm delivery & months in the...

102: Coping With Pregnancy After Loss with Christine McAlister
Experiencing a loss is heartshattering for any parent. Whether it's a chemical pregnancy, miscarriage, due to prematurity, a stillbirth...

093: Dealing with the Loss of a Child
Losing a child, no matter how far along in the pregnancy you were or how old the child was, is one of the hardest experiences a parent...

075: Coping With Pregnancy After Loss with Christine McAlister
Experiencing a loss is heart shattering for any parent. Whether it's a chemical pregnancy, miscarriage, due to prematurity, a stillbirth...

067: Infertility, Marriage, Pregnancy After Loss - Listener's Questions Answered
When you have challenges creating the family of your dreams, whether it's experiencing loss or infertility, a high-risk pregnancy or...

054: What Couples Need to Know About Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Loss is devastating. It's something no parent should ever have to experience. Recurrent loss is even more heartbreaking, especially when...

Multiple Losses - Amanda's Story of Courage, Transformation and Hope
Losing a baby during pregnancy, no matter how early or far along you are, is completely devastating and something no parent should ever...

013: Coping with the Loss of a Child With Dr. Tara May
Losing a child, no matter how far along in the pregnancy you were or how old the child was, is one of the hardest experiences a parent...

Pregnant After Loss: How to Enjoy It With Less Anxiety and More Hope
Today I want to share with you the story of "Cassandra", a woman I worked with a little while back. (To protect my true client's identity...

Pregnant after Loss? What Every Couple Needs to Know
Last week I was scrolling to social media and I squealed when I saw the headline pop up, “Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner Announce Pregnancy...
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